My 7 Daily Non-Negotiable Spiritual Practices
I've had a number of non-negotiable spiritual daily practices for years. I just didn't realise, initially, that was what I was creating. But I am so glad I started it.
I knew I had to consciously honour my practices each day once I read 'Light is the New Black' by Rebecca Campbell. BTW you've got to read this book if you are a lightworker, struggling to be a lightworker or just curious about the work of lightworkers.
I had great practices. I had my gratitude journal, the affirmations I said everyday, positivity techniques and Reiki but I needed them all to make sense together, to work together, aligned to the same intentions and towards the same goals, visions and dreams.
What I made was a contract to myself. To keep me aligned to my highest good every day. To protect my energies, keep me in a positive frame of mind and help me to always be my authentic self.
Here are my 7 daily non-negotiable spiritual practices:
My daily prayers ( a mixture of sources for these)
Techniques to protect my energy
Walks in nature
Daily Healing
Gratitude Journal
Albus Dumbledore
When we grow up we are told "Practice makes Perfect".
Whilst I agree that practice is key in a lot of cases, like learning how to knit, play the violin and score goals in football. I no longer agree with striving for perfection when it comes to my daily practices because I think and feel that there is always room for improvement. Also we are all individual, no 2 people are the same so how can we quantify perfection? And if we achieved perfection what are we working to achieve? We are constantly changes, growing and developing.
I have also developed and added to these practices over time. They suit me, fit into my lifestyle and support my work. Not everyone needs 7 someone may need only 1 to fit into their lifestyle.
A daily practice supports us. Therefore as long as we are trying our best and showing up everyday we will be reap the rewards.
One, ten minute practice a day is better then striving to do 7 and achieving none. Do what is right for you.
One thing I know for sure is this. I must show up everyday to make it work for me. Dipping in and out will support me to a degree but it's not going to do the best it can. Some days are better than others, I'm human after-all and other days I need to escalate the need for one practice over the other. It's about what I need the most to serve me the best. And when I don't do it all I forgive myself and start again. Life is too short for regrets and beating myself up.
And the best piece of advise is enjoy what you do. If you have a practice that is a struggle and you don't enjoy it maybe it isn't the one for you. Change it and find the one that fits you the best.
Love & light
Ciara x ๐ ๐ ๐
PS my 7 practices above are not exclusive I have many more that I dip in and out of that are excellent, essential and an option for you too
burning palo santo and sage (I actually do this everyday in some form or another)
salt baths either himalayan salt or epsom salts
essential oils either in a bath or in a burner
Meditation or Mindfulness (I'm trying to be more mindful in the real sense)
Visualisation through the use of vision boards
connecting with my tribe
writing (blogs like this)
listening to music