Are you addicted to Social Media?

If only this picture of me on Social Media today was real life. This is how I’d like to be feeling today but I’m not! But I bet you thought I was up to something fun? That is social media at it's best. I caught your attention!

The reality is I’m the complete opposite and in bed with some weird virus.

All I am able to do is watch tv (thank goodness for Netflix and unwatched Stranger Things series) in between sleeping but I must be feeling better now to be able write this post! It being the start of year, the main discussions on tv and the radio are around the not so new topic of ‘how to get fit and healthy?'. But this year there is another huge topic of conversation - ‘Social Media Addiction’ and WOW this is huge. But in talking about it is anyone actually doing anything about it?

I used to have a very strict discipline of not looking at my phone or anything on line until one hour after I got up, after 9pm at night. I would only look at it at lunchtime and after dinner in the evening. And ok maybe a sneaky peak around 11am and 4pm and on the way home from work. And I stuck to it. Even writing that all down seems like a lot, but I thought that was rather disciplined!  However, that of late has gone completely out the window. I admit I’ve been as bad as the next person. And it is simply just not good for my health, mentally, physically or spiritually or my productivity.

Unless I have a plan before I start aimlessly swiping I get nowhere and end up searching for something or anything that I don't even know I am looking for and get nowhere. But the thing is I often have a plan. I search people and topics I love and am interested in, so it’s not all done in vain.  Do I compare? Yes sometimes, but I know to try and keep it real.

I also have to admit, when I hear anyone who is blatantly on social media a lot say they have a love hate relationship with it, I become judgemental. I just think then why are you on it so much? Ok I'll move on before I offend anyone I really don't want to.


is I don’t always post the worst thing that has happened to me either and that is what a lot of people are giving off about. Not about me, but in general. That this is not reality, that people are ‘liking’ and not watching the actual truth about what is really going on in peoples life! The experts, and I should mention TV presenters, are saying that this is what making us feel inferior, even causing anxiety for some as we think we are not good enough and our own life sucks in comparison. This is real life and not to be laughed. The fear of missing out is now a real life epidemic. We need to be as aware of our phone usage as much as our food intake, exercise regime or stress levels in work environments. And also be helpful and compassionate to those that have a problem.

This is not my topic of expertise at all, but what I know for sure is that I am going back to my designated times on social media as soon as possible and I know I'll be a lot more productive at my day job as a Healer and Life Coach


  • Turn your phone off at night at least 2 hours before you go to sleep

  • Actually turn your phone off at night. Buy an alarm clock instead.

  • Do not look at your phone until one hour after you get up each morning (Gregg Braden says that not looking at emails alone in the morning increases your productivity by 30% so imagine if you didn't check social media also)

  • Turn your phone upside down on your desk or in a drawer

  • Designate times to check your social media and personal mails (work mails are of course an exception but do not get side tracked)

  • Check in on how a person/brand/topic makes you feel, if it is not raising your vibrations then delete or unfollow! It's a simple click of a button.

  • Reality check! Do not compare yourself to anyone who has a completely different lifestyle to you. I want Millie Mackintosh's body and money to go on holiday all the time but it ain't possible (at the moment) I eat Quality Street I don't own it. (BTW I do love her just know I am not her).

  • Is there someone inundating you with posts? Are you getting anything out of it? Would your life still be ok if you unfollowed them to clear space for other posts that might actually impact your life more positively?

  • Communicate and interact with others. Don't be a secret social media lover. Trust me connecting with others on social media is actually fun and helpful, it might help you enjoy it more and get more out of it.

  • Be authentic - trust me we can tell.

Good luck and I hope that we can maintain a healthy appreciation and love for social media to continue to get the best out of it.

Love & light

Ciara x


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