Upcoming Events
Workshops, Courses, & Live Meditations

Reiki Level 1 ~ Shoden
Reiki is an energy healing therapy. A hands-on healing technique that enhances the body’s own innate ability to heal itself on all levels physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is simple and easy to use and the healing energy works as deeply as you embrace it. It is not a passive healing. It requires practice, presence, devotion, and trust.
Reiki Level 1 is a wonderful introduction to this powerful yet simple hands-on healing practice and energy, to assist your own innate ability to self-heal and your connection to Reiki. It is a beautiful attunement to a safe self-healing practice and to a higher power that knows where the energy needs to flow for healing and holistic wellness.

5D Consciousness Healing Meditations
This is an activating workshop. This will help balance 3D and 5D energies and as with all my workshops will be deeply grounding which is the rooted medicine for this time.
☀️ 5D Consciousness – new earth frequency and guidance, Age of Aquarius, Golden Age. This will support your spiritual awakening and provide ascension guidance. Work with your 15 chakras system ... and much more

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 ~ Practitioner Level (Copy)
Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner Worshop

Reiki Level 2 – Okuden ~ Practitioner Level
In Reiki level II you deepen your awareness. In this level you continue your path of self-healing and is beneficial for those who are on a path of spiritual development and growth. We are all connected to all that is in the universe. With Reiki (universal energy), we are tapping into the power of this interconnectedness. Reiki Level I helps you to understand how to connect to Reiki and do your self-healing practice and understand your connection to universal energy and explore what the universe is all about. In Reiki 2 you learn how Reiki and the symbols help you to magnify and focus the Reiki energy. It broadens your knowledge and healing skills to help others.
In this level you are able to continue on to be a Reiki Practitioner once all cases studies have been completed and received back. This is also done in alignment with my Spiritual Mentoring to help you feel fully supported and ready to take on healing others. This continues the journey for their own self-healing. Not everyone continues on to be a practitioner professionally. All the learning benefits you. Reiki level II is as much about your own healing as it is the ability to learn how to heal others with Reiki. You also learn how to send Distance Healing to others.

Reiki Level 3 ~ Master Teacher Level
The term Reiki Master was developed for the West, and is known as the level of enlightenment – the realisation of our true self. It is for those who have been devotional in their practice and want to continue learning to become a life long practitioner (of self and/or others) mastering Reiki. Becoming a Reiki Master represents a deep commitment to the reiki practice, and before your space is confirmed, we discuss your Reiki practice and your devotion before entering into the Master level workshop training. In this level, you are attuned to the Mastery symbol.

Nature’s Rhythms Spring Equinox Mini-Retreat
Nature's Rhythms Spring Equinox Mini Retreat
Hosted by Ciara & Róisín from @blathuyoga
Craigavon, Co.Armagh

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 ~ Practitioner Level
Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner Worshop

Reiki Level 3 ~ Master Teacher Level
The term Reiki Master was developed for the West, and is known as the level of enlightenment – the realisation of our true self. It is for those who have been devotional in their practice and want to continue learning to become a life long practitioner (of self and/or others) mastering Reiki. Becoming a Reiki Master represents a deep commitment to the reiki practice, and before your space is confirmed, we discuss your Reiki practice and your devotion before entering into the Master level workshop training. In this level, you are attuned to the Mastery symbol.

5D Consciousness Healing Meditations
This is an activating workshop. This will help balance 3D and 5D energies and as with all my workshops will be deeply grounding which is the rooted medicine for this time.
☀️ 5D Consciousness – new earth frequency and guidance, Age of Aquarius, Golden Age. This will support your spiritual awakening and provide ascension guidance. Work with your 15 chakras system ... and much more

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 2 ~ Teacher Level
Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 2 Teacher Workshop

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 ~ Practitioner Level
Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner Worshop

Reiki Level 1 ~ Shoden
Reiki is an energy healing therapy. A hands-on healing technique that enhances the body’s own innate ability to heal itself on all levels physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is simple and easy to use and the healing energy works as deeply as you embrace it. It is not a passive healing. It requires practice, presence, devotion, and trust.
Reiki Level 1 is a wonderful introduction to this powerful yet simple hands-on healing practice and energy, to assist your own innate ability to self-heal and your connection to Reiki. It is a beautiful attunement to a safe self-healing practice and to a higher power that knows where the energy needs to flow for healing and holistic wellness.

5D Consciousness Healing Meditations
This is an activating workshop. This will help balance 3D and 5D energies and as with all my workshops will be deeply grounding which is the rooted medicine for this time.
☀️ 5D Consciousness – new earth frequency and guidance, Age of Aquarius, Golden Age. This will support your spiritual awakening and provide ascension guidance. Work with your 15 chakras system ... and much more

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 ~ Practitioner Level
Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner Worshop

5D Consciousness Healing Meditations
This is an activating workshop. This will help balance 3D and 5D energies and as with all my workshops will be deeply grounding which is the rooted medicine for this time.
☀️ 5D Consciousness – new earth frequency and guidance, Age of Aquarius, Golden Age. This will support your spiritual awakening and provide ascension guidance. Work with your 15 chakras system ... and much more

Reiki Level 2 – Okuden ~ Practitioner Level
In Reiki level II you deepen your awareness. In this level you continue your path of self-healing and is beneficial for those who are on a path of spiritual development and growth. We are all connected to all that is in the universe. With Reiki (universal energy), we are tapping into the power of this interconnectedness. Reiki Level I helps you to understand how to connect to Reiki and do your self-healing practice and understand your connection to universal energy and explore what the universe is all about. In Reiki 2 you learn how Reiki and the symbols help you to magnify and focus the Reiki energy. It broadens your knowledge and healing skills to help others.
In this level you are able to continue on to be a Reiki Practitioner once all cases studies have been completed and received back. This is also done in alignment with my Spiritual Mentoring to help you feel fully supported and ready to take on healing others. This continues the journey for their own self-healing. Not everyone continues on to be a practitioner professionally. All the learning benefits you. Reiki level II is as much about your own healing as it is the ability to learn how to heal others with Reiki. You also learn how to send Distance Healing to others.

Reiki Level 1 ~ Shoden
Reiki is an energy healing therapy. A hands-on healing technique that enhances the body’s own innate ability to heal itself on all levels physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is simple and easy to use and the healing energy works as deeply as you embrace it. It is not a passive healing. It requires practice, presence, devotion, and trust.
Reiki Level 1 is a wonderful introduction to this powerful yet simple hands-on healing practice and energy, to assist your own innate ability to self-heal and your connection to Reiki. It is a beautiful attunement to a safe self-healing practice and to a higher power that knows where the energy needs to flow for healing and holistic wellness.

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 ~ Practitioner Level
Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner Worshop

5D Consciousness Healing Meditations
This is an activating workshop. This will help balance 3D and 5D energies and as with all my workshops will be deeply grounding which is the rooted medicine for this time.
☀️ 5D Consciousness – new earth frequency and guidance, Age of Aquarius, Golden Age. This will support your spiritual awakening and provide ascension guidance. Work with your 15 chakras system ... and much more

Guided Healing Meditations Moon Medicine
Every Tuesday for 5 x weeks
2nd - 30th April 2024
Zoom on-line

Reiki Level 2 – Okuden ~ Practitioner Level
In Reiki level II you deepen your awareness. In this level you continue your path of self-healing and is beneficial for those who are on a path of spiritual development and growth. We are all connected to all that is in the universe. With Reiki (universal energy), we are tapping into the power of this interconnectedness. Reiki Level I helps you to understand how to connect to Reiki and do your self-healing practice and understand your connection to universal energy and explore what the universe is all about. In Reiki 2 you learn how Reiki and the symbols help you to magnify and focus the Reiki energy. It broadens your knowledge and healing skills to help others.
In this level you are able to continue on to be a Reiki Practitioner once all cases studies have been completed and received back. This is also done in alignment with my Spiritual Mentoring to help you feel fully supported and ready to take on healing others. This continues the journey for their own self-healing. Not everyone continues on to be a practitioner professionally. All the learning benefits you. Reiki level II is as much about your own healing as it is the ability to learn how to heal others with Reiki. You also learn how to send Distance Healing to others.

Reiki Level 1 ~ Shoden
Reiki is an energy healing therapy. A hands-on healing technique that enhances the body’s own innate ability to heal itself on all levels physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is simple and easy to use and the healing energy works as deeply as you embrace it. It is not a passive healing. It requires practice, presence, devotion, and trust.
Reiki Level 1 is a wonderful introduction to this powerful yet simple hands-on healing practice and energy, to assist your own innate ability to self-heal and your connection to Reiki. It is a beautiful attunement to a safe self-healing practice and to a higher power that knows where the energy needs to flow for healing and holistic wellness.

Imbolc Healing Workshop
This is a wonderful opportunity to connect to your shadow and sub-conscious with ancient techniques with an experienced Shamanic Therapist. Whether you are on a healing journey (also known as spiritual path) or at the beginning we are all in this as One and all your own healing wisdom is private and confidential. This is workshop with a system of personal empowerment. Many wonder how to heal and how can they access those hidden parts of themselves to do that, and here you can in a safe and sacred container. In this workshop, you use a highly effective system of personal problem-solving and guidance for those who wish to use the methods for themselves to heal the past and create a beautiful future.
True Imbolc (also known to some as Imbolg) is Tuesday 5th February (- the calendar date is not an accurate just a representation of the timing)
in the workshop you will bring healing to anything you may be blocking, resisting, holding on to etc that you can help release in the final hours of Winter energy as we move through into early Spring & here you can change or enhance healthy patterns for your highest good in tune with nature
we honour & celebrate this time with maiden energy and Goddess Brigid (but Imbolg and Brigids Day are not the same thing) &. reawaken with the fire of her fertility & sacred waters
this is the birthing energy in the womb of the Goddess of your intentions, dreams, wishes & time to give full presence to the creative force
This workshop includes Shamanic Journeying is a vision quest practice that can access a unique state of consciousness that you enter through guided meditations and breathing exercises. It allows you to revisit the past to heal events that occurred long ago, and to find more desirable destinies for yourself and your loved ones. This can change how you feel about the past, present and future and bring healing, wisdom and guidance. Journeying is often accompanied to a Shamanic drum beat and it’s healing potential - 4 to 7 bps the Theta state. Journeys access the world tree cosmology of the Upper, Middle, Lower and Under Worlds. In these realms time seems to stop, to warp and fold onto itself, just as it does when we are dreaming in a non-ordinary state of consciousness.
What to bring and full details will be given only when fully booked.
All bookings are non-refundable.
It is at the discretion of Ciara who attends.
Fully booked

Reiki Level 1 ~ Shoden
Reiki is an energy healing therapy. A hands-on healing technique that enhances the body’s own innate ability to heal itself on all levels physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is simple and easy to use and the healing energy works as deeply as you embrace it. It is not a passive healing. It requires practice, presence, devotion, and trust.
Reiki Level 1 is a wonderful introduction to this powerful yet simple hands-on healing practice and energy, to assist your own innate ability to self-heal and your connection to Reiki. It is a beautiful attunement to a safe self-healing practice and to a higher power that knows where the energy needs to flow for healing and holistic wellness.

Guided Healing Meditations
Every Tuesday for 4 x weeks
9th - 30th January 2024
Zoom on-line

Angels, Ascended Masters, Goddesses, Guides & Healing Workshop
Work with your spiritual team of guides and angels and call in the energies of those that are here for you now to help you heal, guide, teach and protect you.
Snippets from Past Events