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Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 2 ~ Teacher Level


Rahanni is a 5th dimensional healing modality to help balance the mind, body and soul of every human and animal. It works on a higher vibration and a deeper level, therefore cutting down the linear healing time. It balances the male and female sides of ourselves and helps us to release negativity and fear from our heart centre. This allows us to live our true essence. It is a powerful healing and has helped a lot of clients as well as practitioners move forward doing what they are meant to do by releasing the past. It helps us with communication and to gain control over our lives. It is possible to release our fears and any negative energy that we accumulate from our experiences on this earth.

Rahanni Celestial Healing, the new healing modality for the Golden Age of Aquarius though its healing vibration is thousands of years old. It vibrates the Pink Ray of Love and Light, balancing the heart centre and bringing forth truth, love and compassion, helping to change the consciousness and opening the hearts of all. This will help inner peace to the mind and a possible healing to the physical body along with a possible balancing of mental and emotional issues. It helps release negativity and fear-based ways of thinking, transmuting lower energies to that of positive thought, love and compassion helping you to understand and recognise your true essence of pure unconditional love.

Rahanni also opens the heart centre releasing all negativity and fear, bringing out our natural essence of love and compassion.

Rahanni ~ Of One Heart, there is no separation

It is a life-force energy that is channelled by the Practitioner. It is beamed from the higher dimensions of reality by Celestial Pink Angels and can help all Light workers to connect with Ascended Masters, Archangels and all higher beings of Light. It is an intuitive healing Light.

How Does Rahanni Heal?

Rahanni is a healing modality of balance. A heart-centred practice. One of the most important chakras is the heart centre. Rahanni can take you down the path of truth, love and compassion. First it will attempt to open your heart centre by clearing all the negative debris that has built up over many lifetimes. Rahanni is a hands-on healing therapy that works on a higher vibration and a deeper level, therefore cutting down the healing time.

As the hands go down to heal, the Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters combined with the Light from Melchizedek and Goddess Kwan Yin, surround the client and Practitioner with Golden White Light. [White Light with the sprinkling of Christ consciousness.

Rahanni is a complementary therapy not an alternative one. Alternative means instead of, complementary can work alongside conventional medicine. It is very simple and easy to use with practice.

To attend this workshop you must be attuned to Rahanni Level 1 for at least 6 months

You will receive:

  • a beautiful and powerful attunement to level 2 Rahanni

  • review of Rahanni Level 1 (bring level 1 workbooks)

  • further learning with working an aura and sensing other peoples energy

  • learn Rahanni symbols for your own self-practice and to heal others and for teaching

  • forgiveness healing

  • teach professional Rahanni

  • your own personal comprehensive handbook with guide to help your practice at home

  • deeper spiritual practice including meditation and exploration of your own spiritual practices

  • explore how to use Rahanni in alignment with your personal intentions and core values in your spiritual journey

  • spiritual support and guidance on your onward healing journey and practice

  • a personalised certificate after workshop


Investment: £275

  • £100 deposit* to be paid in advance to secure place (non-refundable). The balance to be paid in full one week prior to workshop.

When: Sunday November 17th 2024 10am-3pm

Teacher level Certification- it is important to note that most Insurance Companies will not accept on-line certification, nor does many on-line teaching give you the practice you need for this level. 

Please contact Ciara direct to enquire/book -


If you are interested in a treatment/booking a workshop with me, please email me on and or call me on 07399183954

Please note I am trained in multiple modalities, the Rahanni Celestial Healing workshops are pure Rahanni and no other modality is used in this training.


  • Yes. Rahanni is a practice. T

  • No but after effects will be felt and that is unique for anyone.

  • No. I honour the ancient practice that is Reiki. I am an Angelic and Crystal Healer and they may be present but how to work with them is taught separately. Whilst I am aware that other teachers offers Angels and Crystals on their courses I ensure that you learn and are able to practice the pure and powerful of Reiki by itself. That is not to say that of-course you can yourself combine them into your own practice but for the purpose of this course we focus on Reiki practice and spiritual teaching. If you have an Angel as a guide (for example) and they come into your Reiki healing that is ok, you do not need to tell them not to be there. They are there because they are meant to be.

  • For level 1 no, I will give you all you need. For level 2 you need to have completed level 1 and your learning and practice needed at home. An experience with a session is always highly recommended

  • In theory yes. But it is Ciara’s preference currently to d Level 2 with students that have completed Level 1 with her. It is at Ciara’s discretion who attends these workshops.

16 November

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 ~ Practitioner Level

24 November

5D Consciousness Healing Meditations