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Spring Equinox Healing Workshop

  • Ciara McHugh - Healer & Coach (map)

Spring Equinox is the halfway point between the Winter Solstice, the longest and darkest day and the Summer Solstice, the lightest and longest day. Equinoxes bring balanced energy, light and shadow with equal days and nights. It is when we feel available to reconnect with our opposite after our inward journey through the dark months. True Spring is now here.

This is the time to welcome in new life and new growth; life force is shooting up from the ground and nature supports all that is blooming and budding within us. The energy of spring comes into your life to support all you are calling in and working on.

Lesson of the Spring Equinox: Here, we set clear intent and boundaries to honour ourselves. This is a time of exploring our own potential through planning, research, and exploring possibilities in all our creative endeavors as we embrace the energy of rejuvenation and fertility. This energy invites us to embrace change, growth, and the promise of new beginnings. We do this as we call in the balance and equilibrium of equinox, through cleansing, releasing old patterns, and welcoming in fresh energy and harmony.

The Spring energy is a time to step into your sovereignty - to step into your authentic power. You do this by healing and working on anything that is stopping you from feeling that way. You remain in the energy when you continue the work with supportive practices like we explore, experience and activate in this workshop.

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect to your shadow and sub-conscious with ancient techniques with an experienced Energy Healer and Shamanic Therapist and Shamanic Counsellor. Whether you are on a healing journey (also known as spiritual path) or at the beginning we are all in this as One and all your own healing wisdom is private and confidential. This is workshop with a system of personal empowerment. Many wonder how to heal and how can they access those hidden parts of themselves to do that, and here you can in a  safe and sacred container. In this workshop, you use a highly effective system of personal problem-solving and guidance for those who wish to use the methods for themselves to heal the past and create a beautiful future.

The rituals and practices are healing and will activate more healing that will continue to integrate weeks after the workshop. They are simple and easy and guided by Ciara and this is also because simple but meaningful as they directly address our needs so we may transition gracefully from one stage to the next. In this spring energy, you launch, ignite and nurture all you wish to feel, embody and hold as you move through the summer and autumn, thus creating a path for your life from a conscious perspective and a life of destiny. You are your own Healer.

The workshop practices, rituals, healing in ceremony because this is now we acknowledge and process the change …

  • call forth and receive healing and balance in sacred space

  • set clear intentions and give new life to all that is needed and set strong energetic boundaries to honour yourself

  • write and speak vows to honour yourself, based on lessons you learned over Autumn / Winter

  • connect to your spirit guides, ancestors, guardian angels, and higher beings of lights - the Archangels, Ascended Masters

  • shamanic journeying and guided healing meditations

  • journalling and intuitive soul enquiry prompts and self-reflection

  • clear and cleanse stuck, stagnant, blocked energy in your chakras and energy field

This workshop includes Shamanic Journeying is a vision quest practice that can access a unique state of consciousness that you enter through guided meditations and breathing exercises. It allows you to revisit the past to heal events that occurred long ago, and to find more desirable destinies for yourself and your loved ones. This can change how you feel about the past, present and future and bring healing, wisdom and guidance. Journeying is often accompanied to a Shamanic drum beat and it’s healing potential - 4 to 7 bps the Theta state. Journeys access the world tree cosmology of the Upper, Middle, Lower and Under Worlds. In these realms time seems to stop, to warp and fold onto itself, just as it does when we are dreaming in a non-ordinary state of consciousness.

When: Saturday 23rd March - 10am - 2pm

Investment is £55 To book and pay - Details Revolut @CIARAMCHEALER (no charges) / or DM me for bank transfer. Please leave reference with email address. It is at the discretion of Ciara who attends.


Please email me at or call me on 07399183954.

Payments are non-refundable once booked. What to bring and full details will be given only when fully booked.

True Spring Equinox 20th March 2024 03:07am

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