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Reiki Level 1 ~ Shoden

Reiki is both an energy healing and a spiritual path.

Reiki is an energy healing therapy. A hands-on healing technique that enhances the body’s own innate ability to heal itself on all levels physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is simple and easy to use and the healing energy works as deeply as you embrace it. It is not a passive healing. It requires practice, presence, devotion, and trust.

Reiki is a spiritual path. Understanding the spiritual energy and higher connection is the key to Reiki. The Reiki energy you use to bring healing comes from an unlimited supply of universal life-force energy and spiritual wisdom. Anyone can connect to Reiki but it is your practice and learning that helps it work for you and help you to grow.

Each level of Reiki marries the practice of the healing modality and the spiritual path.

My teaching offers a deep understanding of the history, spiritual meaning and practice of Reiki which includes workshops and detailed workbooks; dedicated guided space and enough time to practice and learn; self-healing practices in alignment with the Reiki Principles and support with a natural progression on your own personal soul journey. This is all incorporated with original Usui Reiki and guidance on some Western symbols and practices. I guide you through all. If you feel called to a self-practice in alignment with a spiritual path, learning Reiki with me may be your calling. Together we are both student and teacher, each of us, and you can embrace this ancient practice with confidence and a reconnection to an innate power and wisdom that is accessible to all. The power in your healing is in your devotion, trust, practice and presence and I help you to move forward in a path that works for you*

The whole system of Reiki is based on embodying the precepts within oneself and one’s life, not just about hands-on healing for others; the true aim of the system of Reiki is rediscovering our True Self.
~ Frans Stiene ~



Reiki Level 1 is a wonderful introduction to this powerful yet simple hands-on healing practice and energy, to assist your own innate ability to self-heal and your connection to Reiki. It is a beautiful attunement to a safe self-healing practice and to a higher power that knows where the energy needs to flow for healing and holistic wellness. This is a wonderful workshop to become more devotional to your self-healing and spiritual journey. This workshop awakens you sense of awareness and sensitivity to energy and how you can feel it, and your hands become an important tool in this level and connection to all Reiki energy. There is also support to enhance and encourage your own meditation practice to help your spiritual awareness and the present moment experience of Reiki healing. A previous practice of any energy work or of meditation is not necessary and in this workshop I offer simple techniques and ways that you can meditate. This helps you to be in Reiki practice, and understand more clearly thoughts, feelings and what is going on. This will also assist healing of friends, family and pets. It has been so important to my own healing journey. The attunement to Reiki 1, and daily practice after, awakened me and helped to align me further to spirit and infinite possibilities, bringing my life further into alignment with my souls path. Many are called to Reiki, at the beginning or during their spiritual journey, and the healing and workshops levels provide tremendous support, aids devotional practice and offers guidance that help many to feel grounded, renewed energy, enlightenment and awareness. At the beginning for some, there can be a real sense of self-discovery and intuitive knowing that to work with healing energy is what is needed in their life and that the devotional path of learning is part of their growth and understanding, and this is very much discussed in all of my workshops. Reiki is a truly transformative energy that brings about deep healing mind, body and soul. Many are also called to Reiki to self-heal and help them with physical symptoms and illnesses to bring about healing and support. After experiencing the level I workshop many feel deeper peace and calm and have a real sense of being able to manage their life well with the aid of their self-healing practice. It’s my pleasure to facilitate and hold space for the beautiful souls who step forward to work with Reiki.

What you will attain from Reiki Level 1

You will receive:

  • an attunement to 1st degree Reiki for self-healing

  • an introduction to Reiki, it’s history, lineage, the changes in how Reiki is taught, learn the principles*** and how and why it is so powerful for healing your body

  • a mental and emotional cleanse practice

  • a conscious introduction to your chakras, aura and your body’s energy field and learn their vital role in your body’s overall well-being

  • feeling energy

  • and learn Reiki symbols for your own daily self-practice and to heal others (this is not a practitioner level)

  • protection and grounding techniques

  • share and receive Reiki healings and channel energy

  • intentions for healing

  • explore sensations, feelings, colours etc that may come up in a healing

  • Guided Meditations for healing with Reiki and Chakra cleanses

  • your own personal handbook with guide to help your practice at home and a personalised certificate

  • Spiritual support and guidance on your healing journey and awakening

  • importance of self-care mind, body and soul

  • 21day cleanse information**

  • grounding and meditation practices for your own self-care and gratitude practice

  • included is a complimentary optional 2 hour follow up session to discuss your journey, any further questions and give and receive Reiki

  • certificate after workshop, 21day cleanse and follow up session.

An experience of receiving at least one Reiki treatment prior to this workshop is highly recommended.


Investment: £150, £50 deposit (non-refundable) to be paid in advance to secure place. The balance to be paid in full one week prior to workshop and is then .

When: Saturday 12th October 2024

Time: 10-4.00pm

Follow up session – to be confirmed on agreed date after 21day cleanse

Reiki Level 1 ~ Shoden


The length of time spent on this workshop is in guidance with your teaching and requirements for Reiki memberships (these memberships are optional). These 2 days are a wonderful way for you to practice, and learn this new practice in a powerful, practical and grounded way.

Day 1

  • 10-11am Introduction to Reiki and energy chakras, and field. Meditations.

  • 11-1pm Meditations and treatments, Receive attunements and learn how to do a self-healing

  • 1-2pm Lunch

  • 2-4pm Overview and more

**21day cleanse** – this is after you receive all attunements, and happens at each level. Reiki will work on bringing your chakras into balance throughout this cleansing process. Each chakra goes through a 3day cleanse. And your 7 main energy centres go through this stage = 21days. Therefore it is important that you consider the time and energy needed to support yourself which includes your own self-healing practice that you learn at this workshop.

Please note I am trained in multiple modalities, the Reiki workshops are pure Reiki and no other modality is used in this training.

The Reiki Principles

Just for today,

Do not be angry,

Do not worry,

Be grateful.

Do your work with diligence,

Be kind to others.

If you would like to learn Reiki but these dates do not work for you, please get in contact with me.

It is possible to book dates/times that suit during the week (Monday-Friday).


  • Yes. Reiki is a practice. There are variations of the practice but ultimately a reconnecting and being present with the energy is part of Reiki. If you want to become a practitioner and/or a Master a regular practice is non-negotiable.

  • Yes, if you receive the attunements this is a natural cleansing of each of the 7 main chakras. Healing is also cleansing of any dense, toxic, unnatural energies in your body so see each cleanse as a kick-start and wonderful realignment to help balance your energy.

  • Yes. I have heard from others that it is better you keep to the same teacher. I did. However, if there are reasons why you cannot and you want to learn levels 2 or 3 with me please contact me and we discuss your practice and journey. If for any reason there is more work to do I guide you.

  • No. I honour the ancient practice that is Reiki. I am an Angelic and Crystal Healer and they may be present but how to work with them is taught separately. Whilst I am aware that other teachers offers Angels and Crystals on their courses I ensure that you learn and are able to practice the pure and powerful of Reiki by itself. That is not to say that of-course you can yourself combine them into your own practice but for the purpose of this course we focus on Reiki practice and spiritual teaching. If you have an Angel as a guide (for example) and they come into your Reiki healing that is ok, you do not need to tell them not to be there. They are there because they are meant to be.

  • Yes, absolutely if I have availability on week days. Please do contact me if workshop dates do not work for you. There’s always a way.

  • Yes. This is in line with my peers and teachers, federations and the amount of hours you will need to complete if you wish to become a practitioner or teacher. I am aware there are other teachers who teach in less time and that is their free will. I honour the traditions I have learnt. It is also because I want to ensure you receive the best possible teaching and practice before you go out on your own. This is a path of self-discovery and self-practice but you want to start and flow rather than hesitate based on not enough time and space in your learning workshop. To become a practitioner after learning Reiki 2 may take up to 4 more hours.

  • For level 1 no, I will give you all you need. For level 2 you need to have completed level 1 and your learning and practice needed at home. For level 3 you need to have completed level 2 and your learning and practice needed at home. Before you attend workshops we have a chat and I will guide you with what you need to do before each to ensure that you are ready.

27 September

Angelic Reiki Level 1 & 2

26 October

Nature’s Rhythms Mini-Retreat