Have emojis have replaced the words 'Thank you' ?

The English language is under threat, as we know, and I feel that the two most important and sacred words of all , Thank you, are possibly under the most threat.

This is of-course is my personal opinion and yes perhaps gripe, that instead of receiving a very simple, easy and quick written thank you, I often only get a ❀, πŸ˜€ or πŸ‘πŸΌ. Also I am sometimes unsure to what the symbol actually means in the context it has been sent. Does it means thanks or something else? πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

So the questions I have been left asking myself are:

  • Am I ungrateful for the emoji whilst the intention is still there?

  • Am I still behind the times, even though I say thank you and a πŸ™πŸΌ?

  • Do we feel that a like or heart on Facebook is enough?

  • Am I an old prude?

  • Is the English language being replaced by whatever Apple comes up with next?

  • Is it only important to me because of my gratitude practice?

  • What does the person sending the emoji actually mean?

For someone who has a formal daily practice of Gratitude I have asked myself am I getting my knickers in a twist about nothing? However, after much consideration and contemplation I felt the need to share my thoughts and see if anyone also thought the same was credible? However, obviously not to be told to get over it by anyone!

I am of-course taking a huge risk writing this.

Firstly because I can honestly admit I have done the same in the past. Although I'd like to think that recently I have not. Secondly, I have very good friends and family who do this and I would not want them to think I am ruling anyone out or that I am preaching. Thirdly, my own art of the English language is nowhere near as good as my A standard at school(showing off and I said it isn't!) and I often wonder and criticise my own writing.

The thing is though if we are not actually saying these two incredibly important and powerful then the energy is simply not working. We are confusing the receiver and the Universe maybe even coming across as ungrateful.

All the greats we respect today practiced gratitude and I am sure that saying β€˜Thank you’ was a big a part of their practice.

Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, Carl Jung,  and many more today like Oprah Winfrey and the Dalai Lama. Whilst I am sure they all have their little ways of showing their appreciation, like we do, saying Thank you is still a huge part of it if not the most important.

I know that by outing myself and how I feel any time I send an emoji to my sister she'll be asking "wheres my thank you?" but perhaps that's part of the reason I took a bold step to write this so that my own practice and manners are re-looked at by myself everyone not by others πŸ˜‰.

I would like to finish with a note to say I love emojis.

And also this blog post has been given a red tick Readability Needs Improvement rating so I told you I ain't perfect and do not claim to be. But I am devoted to my gratitude practice, my first daily spiritual practice. I love it, I am thankful for it and it helps to say Thank you everyday for another day so my point at the end of this all is I am going to keep up this ancient tradition and would love if you could join me along the way.

With gratitude

~ thank you

Ciara πŸ’«  


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