1:1 Healing Treatments

Step into my healing space

Step into role of being your own healer and I can support you, holding space for your healing.

We all need help to take our healing to the next level.

I am here to offer guidance and support on your journey to embrace your wholeness and life.

Below are my healing offers, however, if you’d like to connect and chat to discuss what may be the best way to move forward for you, please reach out and we can arrange a discovery call. You are very welcome.

  • Reiki Healing Session

    Reiki has the capacity to heal many different different aspects of our body, mind and spirit. It is a hands on healing technique that enhances the body’s own innate ability to heal itself on all levels.

    A Reiki healing helps to re-energise and clear blockages in our energy field (aura) that surrounds our physical body. Reiki helps to maintain harmony in your life and to keep your chakras open and energy in flow.

    An Individual 1-1 healing treatment is medicine you may know in your heart and soul that is needed to help you. It is powerful healing to help generate what your body needs to bring peace, calm, happiness and a sense of relief and pain. A 1:1 treatment is a wonderful way to activate healing within and for your entire energy field and body (which includes your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies). A course of 4 is always recommended in Reiki treatments. More thereafter can hugely benefit how you feel ongoing.

  • Angelic Healing

    Angelic Healing is a form of energy healing that is activated through the connection with Archangels, Ascended Masters, Goddess energy, source, and an individuals own spiritual helpers, guides and angels. Each of us have our own individual connections with our guides and they will normally make an appearance to help throughout the healing. It is a very powerful, high vibrational energy that brings healing to wherever we need it the most. Working with the body’s energy system, chakras and aura to bring about healing.

    No healing is the same and we all feel a different connection depending how they come into the healing and why we might need them to help and support our healing. They will always be gentle with us and bring the healing to where it needs to go to first. Finding our own connections with those we are most aligned with, is a special and powerful process. The more you call them in and work with them yourself, the stronger your connection with them will become. treatment.

  • Shamanic Healing & Counselling

    A Shamanic healing is the most ancient healing practice of our time. It is a powerful transformative soul experience. It’s a deep inner calling for tremendous support and power to restore energy back to balance and harmony. They help bring about feelings of deep peace, inner empowerment, and a sense of feeling in communion with all life. Shamans address the cause of disease or dis-ease in the blueprint of a persons LEM (aura), tracking for energies that may be the cause or issue and part of the wounding so to bring insight into the workings of energy and currency of spirit. A Shaman is able to prescribe that a person needs energetically to maintain a balanced and well life holistically through their own willingness and choices. The Shamanic healings I offer are – Imbas (Divine Illumination); Extraction (release of energies); Soul Retrieval (soul loss); Psychopump and the Death Rites (healing for the dying); and Shamanic Counselling.

  • Rahanni Celestial Healing

    Rahanni is a 5th dimensional healing modality to help balance the mind, body and soul of every human and animal. It works on a higher vibration and a deeper level, therefore cutting down the linear healing time. It balances the male and female sides of ourselves and helps us to release negativity and fear from our heart centre. This allows us to live our true essence. It is a powerful healing and has helped a lot of clients as well as practitioners move forward doing what they are meant to do by releasing the past. It helps us with communication and to gain control over our lives. It is possible to release our fears and any negative energy that we accumulate from our experiences on this earth.

  • Crystal Therapy

    Crystal Healing is a holistic treatment and are normally placed on the body to provide healing and support to clients. Crystals are wonderful energy conduits to work alongside the spiritual and divine energy. They enable healing by vibrationally tuning into to our life-force energy and our chakra system, to connect in with all of our 4 dimensional bodies the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. They can be used for many other wonderful practices like manifesting, protection, meditation, sleep, abundance and positive energy in spaces. Each crystal has its own unique healing properties that can be aligned with each of our chakras and body organs to provide healing energy and support. If you are drawn energetically to any crystal, it is always a great sign.

    When healing with crystals I normally do it alongside an Angelic Healing with guided mediation. I also use crystals in a Reiki healing if a client would like them. I intuitively chose crystals for each client by tuning into them to support my client.

  • Seichem (incl. Reiki & Psychic Surgery)

    The true nature of Seichem is – total oneness, harmony, peace and unification. It is this enlightened state of consciousness, health and well being in which we are seeking in life. The energy meets you where you are to aid your consciousness. Seichem connects you with your Higher Self to establish healing in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The energy is used to heal and stimulate personal development and growth.

    Seichem (pronounced say-keem) works in the same way as Reiki, with hands placed on the body, but in addition hands may be working in the aura which surrounds the body. It is a reputedly healing wisdom practised in ancient Egypt and means ‘power or might’. It is also the Egyptian equivalent of prana or chi.

Healing creates a space for the Light and this creates space for healing

  • Energy healing brings healing to the wounds of an individual at an energetic level. We heal at the energetic level because we are energy, we are energetic beings. We heal at an energetic level which is the level that wounding occurs. This wounding may manifest itself physical, emotionally or mentally. All our bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) are connected. They influence one another and each effect us when we become unwell and why Energy healing is a wonderful 360° holistic approach to healing our entire energy field and bodies. The healing energies I work with is with the knowing that to be truly well, we need to look after ourselves – body, mind and soul so to heal we consider all. An Energy Healing will connect with the energetic wound of what is making you sick, ill, stressed etc. and that will ultimately effect the other bodies. An energy healing will work to find the root of an illness, dis-ease, hurt, stress etc in whatever way that it is manifesting in the mind, body and soul to bring healing to where the wound has entered the body (energy field).

    Energy Healing is able to aid the healing of many symptoms and is also used as a wonderful compliment to conventional medicine. Healing can happen in an instant, or over time, there are no logical timelines to healing. To heal we step into soul time so that the Light can get in so we can lead a soul-led life.

    Which particular energy healing a client asks for, is what I call upon to channel the energy. I am a facilitator and a conduit for the healing energy. The energy flows through me.

    All the energies honour your free will. Energy moves with intention and is why when you go for a healing, you are asked why you are there and what you want help with. If you are not feeling, you are not healing. The healing is a space to be honest and held; it holds the utmost trust and confidentially for clients to openly partake in their healing in a safe environment. Energy will go to where it is needed the most and in alignment with your soul, higher self and intention.

    It is the energy that needs to be healed and then anything else that is done to help can heal more effectively whether that be for your mental and emotional well-being, and/or physical health.

    All the energy healing I work with incorporate ancient teachings that involve taking care of our energy field and centres, also known as our Light Electro-Magnetic field (LEM) and chakras. Through the clearance brought to our chakras and LEM, we can activate the body’s subtle energy systems to remove blockages or energies that are causing an individual to be unwell. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body’s inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated and the healing energy brings in light that enters the body where it is needed. This creates flow and allows for life force energy to flow freely and thus making you well.

    Healing examines and involves going to the wounds of the dis-stress, dis-ease or dis-harmony that a client is experiencing. Energy healing connects with the life force energy that keeps us alive and well by raising our vibrations to bring about healing. By removing barriers that have caused you to feel unwell , to move into a place of love, with light, radiance, joy and compassion. A place where fear and ego find it hard to hold on to or control. A way of living that feels much freer and lighter. Moving a body into further wholeness and alignment.

    Healing is a journey of wholeness.

    Our whole bodies call for our nurturing so we can be well, and energy healings help to awaken the inner healer within, to provide the healing that brings the nourishment and guidance that is needed to do so. This is truly powerful. All the energy healing that I work with are ancient practices and of higher-frequencies of Light, inclusive with all in nature and connected in the sense that all connect the whole body – mind, body and spirit. Nothing is separate.

  • To heal is a wonderful opportunity to realise and reclaim your magnificence, to realign and recalibrate to the natural flow of energy that is your true nature. It is a choice to create your life as the powerful energy being that you are.

    It is the path your soul is guiding you on and that is your true essence. It is the when the natural flow of your energy is interrupted, blocked, unbalanced, sluggish, heavy, dense, low vibrationally and that you choose to heal by choosing higher vibrational energies and frequencies that are the natural flow of the universe, pure energy consciousness and this reconnection brings healing and you return to love and wholeness.

    Then you become well and what feels like you again. You remember your wholeness. And the natural flow of energy helps you to become the creator of your life. It is a deep inner knowing and re-remembering, that on both a conscious and subconscious level, that you are a soul living a physical existence, and to heal is the need to connect in with the energies we are made up of. Energy that passes through your body is your true nature, essence, it’s pure spirit and consciousness. It’s the real you. We are all spiritual beings of nature, source energy and the Divine.

    We are made up of energy and constantly surrounded and influenced by it, so to keep our energy well and flowing, we heal with the Divine light, Divine love and Divine power of source and higher frequency energies that can us help to do so, and return to love and wholeness.

  • Healing is your choice – a path of mystery and discovery; ups and downs; light and love.

    Energy healing is deeply connected to universal energy, source, nature, the Divine, the God/Goddess of your understanding. This may take you on a path of growth, getting to know yourself better and deeper spiritual meaning and practice. Healing in many ways requires this connection. However, some people choose to attend energy healing sessions simply for the treatments themselves. It is important to note that an energy healing is in union with the spiritual wisdom of its teaching and why healing is a marriage of both. This is not always the route for everyone at first! And that is ok. It is important to know though that what you do for yourself as soon as you leave a healing is as important as the healing itself. Healing is not passive. Real and successful healing requires your input. If this is something you have found difficult to focus on or to give devotion to in the past, it may be another good reason to receive a healing to help you shift the energy that is keeping you stuck or unmotivated. It is also why changes made outside of treatment sessions are important to your healing also.

    “Healing results from an experience of infinity and whilst healing, we can measure the success of the healing work by increased well-being, by a sense of newfound peace, empowerment, freedom and a feeling of communion with all of life.” — Dr. Sue Morter

    Healing is not a bypassing tool. It connects with your wounds and shadow; your subconscious and bringing light to the wounds is a huge part of the process. And this is part of the healing I work most successfully with, not passive or unintentional healing, but heart-centred, soul-led inner work and deep presence. In my Healing Space you are held with compassion, gentleness, loving kindness, generosity, non-judgement, and love through the portal of your divine power and you learn to hold this space for yourself.

    What you do will depend on your path and what changes you are looking to bring into your life. A healing session is not a coaching session or for someone to tell you what to do. It is to help bring healing to the energy. Each Healer is different and can be unique in their style. Working with me as your Healer, I will want to use a Healing session to get a sense of the energy, not the story and how you are really feeling. If you are looking spiritual guidance, coaching or mentoring this is outside of a healing session. I have Spiritual Mentoring programmes that you can do to support you. I bring intuitive guidance to all my work but this is not an avenue for future readings, it is to help choose your destiny and create your own life from a place of empowerment.

  • Item descThe energy of a Distance Healing works in the same way as a physical one to one healing. Energy transforms with a heart-centred intention which is the same in all healing sessions, physical or distant.

    What happens in a healing:

    Most distance healings are over Zoom but other ways can be arranged.

    We arrange a time for the healing and it is recommended you give yourself 90mins of uninterrupted space to receive the energy, also because you will be ask to lay down and remain still.

    Consent forms are required to be completed and returned by email or post prior to treatment

    We discuss what you want the healing for and you state your intention because this is the powerful shift that starts to transform the energy in the healing.

    I give some feedback after, we discuss how you feel and answer any questions you may have.

    If further healing is required this guidance will be give at end of healing*

    If you are in a another country and there’s a time difference we can arrange another way to do that if a call doesn’t work.

    I bring my same energy; as the facilitator of the healing I channel in the same energies to assist in the healing and I give it the same amount of time and space.

    The same energy is used. The healing does work in the same respect as a physical healing and you can receive powerful healing from it. I work through your body’s energy field and chakras, which are your body’s main energy points. I am guided in the same way to work on the areas that need healing and particularly the areas that you have asked for healing.

    *An individual healing is powerful and very healing. However, it is often recommended that you receive a course of treatments depending on your symptoms or reasons for the healing. How many sessions you need is best discussed and arranged after your first healing. I will guide you, as it is important that you are guided if further healing is beneficial for you. It is always at the clients discretion to receive another healing. It is important to know that some healing requires a course however the benefits are felt and experienced after and between each one.


    1:1 Private Healing Sessions 60-75 mins per session healing with Reiki and/or Angelic energies / Shamanic Healings are longer

    Spiritual guidance and support to help with your symptoms, mentally emotionally and physically cleansing and energy clearance

    This is a great way to experience an energy healing if you have not had one before and are called to it. When energy healing is new to you, often the calling is your soul and higher self bringing you to where you need to be. Trusting that call is truly intuitive and allowing your energy to receive higher vibrations in a healing is felt after your 1st healing, often immediately and in the days, weeks and months that follow also.

  • New clients normally have a chat with Ciara over the phone before booking their first session. This helps you to understand what healing modality you may need and also to discuss briefly your issue and symptoms. There is also a short guide to your devotion and understanding that is best for a wound to heal to embark a healing journey over a period of time that involves 4-6 sessions to begin. Each session is booked as you go along and how and when is up to you. You are your own healer.


Ciara is available by Phone, Zoom or Facetime. All are equally a great way to connect. You can contact by phone at +44 73991 83954 or email to ciara@ciaramchugh.com to schedule your session.


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