Rahanni Celestial Healing

Rahanni, ‘of one heart’, is healing for the mind, body and soul.

Rahanni is known as the new healing modality for the Golden Age of Aquarius. There is no separation, we are from one divine energy source. 

Rahanni is a 5th dimensional healing modality to help balance the mind, body and soul of every human and animal. It works on a higher vibration and a deeper level, therefore cutting down the linear healing time. It balances the male and female sides of ourselves and helps us to release negativity and fear from our heart centre. This allows us to live our true essence. It is a powerful healing and has helped a lot of clients as well as practitioners move forward doing what they are meant to do by releasing the past. It helps us with communication and to gain control over our lives. It is possible to release our fears and any negative energy that we accumulate from our experiences on this earth.

What is the Rahanni Celestial Healing system?

Rahanni Celestial Healing, the new healing modality for the Golden Age of Aquarius though its healing vibration is thousands of years old. It vibrates the Pink Ray of Love and Light, balancing the heart centre and bringing forth truth, love and compassion, helping to change the consciousness and opening the hearts of all. This will help inner peace to the mind and a possible healing to the physical body along with a possible balancing of mental and emotional issues. It helps release negativity and fear-based ways of thinking, transmuting lower energies to that of positive thought, love and compassion helping you to understand and recognise your true essence of pure unconditional love.

How Does Rahanni Heal?

Rahanni is a healing modality of balance. A heart-centred practice. One of the most important chakras is the heart centre. Rahanni can take you down the path of truth, love and compassion. First it will attempt to open your heart centre by clearing all the negative debris that has built up over many lifetimes. Rahanni is a hands-on healing therapy that works on a higher vibration and a deeper level, therefore cutting down the healing time.

As the hands go down to heal, the Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters combined with the Light from Melchizedek and Goddess Kwan Yin, surround the client and Practitioner with Golden White Light. White Light with the sprinkling of Christ consciousness.

Rahanni is a complementary therapy not an alternative one. Alternative means instead of, complementary can work alongside conventional medicine.

Rahanni is understood to be part of the ‘new’ DNA and a strengthening of the auric field creating a ‘Rainbow Bridge’ of Light and Love. R

ahanni also opens the heart centre releasing all negativity and fear, bringing out our natural essence of love and compassion.


Investment: £50 for an individual treatment


  • 1:1 Private Healing Sessions (leave at least 75mins per session)

  • healing with Rahanni energies (Rahanni is not woven with any other energy healing modality like Reiki)

  • energy healings

  • before the healing session we have a chat and after I can guide you if you wish to have more healing support or help


Ciara is available by Phone, Zoom or Facetime. All are equally a great way to connect. You can contact by phone at +44 73991 83954 or email to ciara@ciaramchugh.com to schedule your session. Once appointment is made please make payment through Revolut @ciaramchealer in order to hold appointment. 

Some questions and answers to help your queries:

  • Three sessions are recommended to get the complete benefit of having Rahanni Celestial healing to balance the mind, body and soul.

  • Rahanni is open to everyone. It has been known to benefit those children diagnosed with hyperactivity and A.D.D.

    Unfortunately, as a precaution, the following can only receive distant healing:

    • Cancer patients during Chemotherapy/ Radiotherapy*

    • Clients with Pacemakers

    • Clients who are under 12 weeks pregnant

    • Clients with Schizophrenia

  • Most people feel relaxed and at peace after a healing but can feel tired so it is good to choose a day when you won’t be doing too much after the treatment.

    Healing can also stir up emotions so you might feel a bit emotional for a while and some people experience what is known as a healing reaction, such as headache or flu-like symptoms. The healing does what it is meant to so any effects will be short lived. Whatever you experience, Rahanni helps you clear what no longer serves you.

  • The only time we cannot offer hands on healing is when they are actually having the chemo or radiotherapy, as it is their choice at soul level to receive this, but you can send positive thoughts to them and visualise them healthy and balanced, if you feel you would like to do something. When the treatment is finished you can offer distant healing and call in the Violet Flame to release anything that no longer serves their higher purpose. Hands on Rahanni can be given when the treatment at the hospital has been completed.

  • This is a healing that is best treated with a Shamanic Extraction Healing. Please go to my Irish Celtic Shamanism Healing page.

  • No. This session is Rahanni Celestial Healing only. It is either a Rahanni session or a Reiki session – not the 32 together. The client will only receive a watered down version of Rahanni if blended so therefore they will think or feel no difference. It is universal law that a high vibration of light [5th Dimensional Rahanni] cannot share the same space as a 3rd dimensional vibration [Reiki] there is no judgement it is about progression. Yes they are both healing modalities but on a different vibration. This instruction was given by the Rahanni guides and Ascended Masters.

  • Carol Stacey is founder and you can find out more at Rahanni Celesital Healing Hub. Carol Stacey has been presented with the gift of Rahanni by the ‘higher beings’ of light to bring this beautiful healing modality through to humanity at this critical time in our existence.

  • Rahanni is natural healing modality and works alongside conventional medicine not as a substitute.

    We will never advice you to discontinue any medication that has been prescribed by a professional. Rahanni practitioners and teachers are not qualified to give medical advice, Rahanni Celestial Healing is a complementary therapy.

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1

If you would like to learn Rahanni for your own self-healing and to give treatments to others please have a look at my upcoming workshops