Shamanic Healing Therapies
A Shamanic healing is a powerful transformative soul experience
Why have a Shamanic Healing?
A Shamanic Healing is a deep inner calling from your soul for a tremendous support and power that a Shamanic healing can bring, to restore energy back to balance and harmony and energise life vitality. Every persons choice to receive a Shamanic healing is deeply personal and there are many symptoms a shamanic healing can help with to truly bring about a powerful transformation of how someone is feeling. The call to sit with a Shaman in ritual, ceremony and practice is soul-led and is often the medicine that you have been yearning for. An energetic presence or a loss calls from restoration on an energetic level and a Shaman is one who can perceive, navigate and negotiate energies that your soul yearns for.
A Shamanic healing helps to restore wellbeing holistically – body, mind and spirit, and bring you back into right relationship with all of life.
It brings about a feeling of deep peace, inner empowerment, and a sense of feeling in communion with all life. Shamans address the cause of disease or dis-ease in the blueprint of a persons LEM (aura), tracking for energies that may be the cause or issue and part of the wounding so to bring insight into the workings of energy and currency of spirit. A Shaman is able to prescribe that a person needs energetically to maintain a balanced and well life holistically through their own willingness and choices.
A Shamanic healing can help with loss, grief, fear, anger, chronic pain and fatigue, stress, anxiety, addictions, a sense of disconnectedness, apathy, feeling lost, grounding, life vitality, self-love, a remembering of self and source, life purpose, limiting beliefs and thoughts, lower vibrational entities and energies, relationships, negative patterns and cycles, death and rebirth, spiritual guidance and awakening, and much more.
In a healing Shamans journey to spirit realms, to confront the shadow side that holds the energy, to bring healing to it. They are able to enter into the invisible realms and bring healing. To the Shaman nothing is separate, everything is connected.
These Shamanic medicine healings involve sacred energetic rituals that call for you to be fully present and ready for healing, and call for your agreement to partake in them. As a Shamanic Healer I provide a warm, calm, safe, non-judgemental, confidential space for my clients. I help clients using a variety of techniques, listed below, to bring healing to their issues or symptoms, that helps to create energetic shifts needed to restore harmony and wellness to their energy field, body, mind and spirit. Here you can experience healing at the level of the wound. When booking or wondering about a treatment for you we discuss your issues before to consider the healing you need to receive.
If you have any queries please call me, it is always best to discuss anything over the phone and all appointments for a treatment are made after an initial phone chat.
At the core of the shamanic energy healing session lies the Illumination process. Illumination achieves healing in three ways…First, it burns up the sludge and deposits adhering to the walls of a chakra, promoting longevity and strengthening the immune response. Second, it combusts the toxic energy around harmful physical and emotional imprints. Third, it cleans the imprints in the Luminous Energy Field (LEF). When these imprints are erased, it is possible to change negative emotions and behaviors. The power of the immune system is unleashed, and physical healing is accelerated.
— Alberto Villoldo
6 main techniques are listed below to support healing
Imbas Forosnai literally means Divine Inspiration. It is a truly beautiful and powerful healing to help remove the ailments of a client, transforming heavy emotions into life force energy thus bringing you back to balance. Imbas removes dense or heavy energetic toxic residues around malignant physical and emotional imprints and also the light scours clean the imprints in the Luminous Field (LEM). This can bring healing in in many other ways including strengthening your immune system. The client receives Divine Illumination (Light) through their energy doors (‘doors’ the Celtic traditional word for chakras) and that helps to create enlightenment in their Luminous Energy Field that brings about healing at the source, at the blueprint level of our being. This then helps someone to readily change negative emotions and behaviours. The power of the immune system is unleashed, so that physical healing is accelerated. A release of an imprint on a chakra has tremendous benefits for the overall well-being a client. A client feels lighter mind, body and soul and has feelings of deeper calm, balance and harmony. This is a foundational healing in shamanic medicine and can be part of other shamanic healings.
An Extraction Healing helps to remove intrusions or misplaced energy from the energy body. Whilst Imbas can heal most energies, sometimes other forms of energies need to be removed by an Extraction healing. These intrusions are not necessarily “bad” or part of your true natural make up or energy field, but can be energy you have picked up along the way accumulated from multiple sources. These can impact how you feel and can cause long-established negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and behaviour patterns, including addictions. They mostly negatively impact the health of your life, mind, body and spirit and bring about dis-ease, dis-harmony, dis-stress and illness to your being and body if left unhealed. This healing is deeply compassionate and the result is a restoration of power in the patient and release of intrusive energy. An Extraction can bring about a great sense of deep release and freedom, allowing the patients life force to grow in harmony and light and to feel a sense of empowerment. Imbas Forosnai is received with an Extraction healing.
Soul Retrieval is for “spiritual loss”. It’s around an imbalance in your life usually caused by traumas or a shock and can leave you with a sense of loss of your own self, our power, your true life essence. Through trauma or difficult life experiences our soul can fragment as a natural coping mechanism leaving us not fully ourselves, disconnected from ourselves or the world around us, living at a diminished capacity or it can present itself through physical illness. It is why you can feel not quite yourself or in your full power. These feelings may also not manifest until later in life or can come after a life-time of feeling this to some degree. Feelings of depression, anxiety, memory loss, long term illness, lack of motivation, a sense of separateness, you seem ‘dispirited’, effects from divorce or death or abuse, physical illness, apathy, a sense of feeling numb, addictive behaviours and a pattern of looking for external things to fill you up, and being in a coma can all be signs of soul loss. “Persons experiencing soul loss frequently say that they feel fragmented in some way or that an essential part of themselves is missing” ~ Sandra Ingerman. This is the term ‘disassociation’ used by talk therapies like psychotherapy. At times the soul essence returns independently and self healing occurs, however often the soul part cannot return without guidance, and that is where Soul Retrieval can help. Soul Retrieval brings back the pure essence of that soul part (prior to any trauma and wounding) to the client and can leave them feeling empowered, joyful, enthusiastic, fulfilled and whole again. This is a beautiful and unique experience for many, and can aid with reaching your fullest life potential by restoring harmony and well-being.
Shamanic Counselling is a system for permitting clients to make their own shamanic journeys of divination to nonordinary reality, where they personally obtain direct spiritual wisdom and guidance in answer to the questions most important in their lives. It is a method of personal empowerment where one acquires spiritual wisdom for their holistic well-being without relying on external mediators. The Shaman holding space, facilitates a safe sacred space and method and support for this to happen.
Shamanic Counselling is that the real shamanic counsellors are in non-ordinary reality. These are wise teachers that the clients encounter in their shamanic journeys and who provide answers to the client's questions. The ordinary reality counsellors, in contrast, provide instruction, orientation, and methodological advice based upon core shamanism and shamanic journeying using the cosmology of the world tree.
This is the wonderful medicine of this counselling as you can receive answers and healing to issues and questions that you have spent a long time, through other methods and therapies trying to.
The client becomes their own their own shaman. The object of this change is to restore spiritual power and authority to the client.
The founder of Shamanic Counselling Michael Harner - HARNER SHAMANIC COUNSELING™ based on his earlier devised core shamanism.
Shamanic counselling can be a method used entirely by itself, for exampleover 4-6 session to help a client or woven with other healing therapies like Extractions and Soul Retrievals over a healing journey. Each session can be decided as you go along as to what best supports you.
Ciara studied at Dunderry Park with Martin Duffy Shamanism Ireland
A Shaman is here to bring healing to the living and those who are deceased or dying. A Pyschopomp healing helps to guide souls that are deceased and works to help release/spirit of someone who has died from the physical realm to the non-physical. This brings about freedom and completion for the soul/spirit. This is deeply sacred work that allows the Spirit or soul who may be perceived as having difficulty to pass over, to return to the Light and bring a sense of peace. This healing can happen at any time after a soul has passed over, even many years later. It may be that they need some help or guidance in their journey to the afterlife. Through this healing, there are accompanying feelings of joy and release for the soul and family or friend who has perhaps been feeling the sensitivity, trauma, anguish, fear, worry, disbelief or hesitation since the deceased’s death, addressing concern, and answering questions.
The Death Rites is a healing for the dying. Someone who is called to be supported energetically and compassionately on their journey to the Light. A sacred space is created for the loved one dying to help and support them on their journey. Where I am able to attend I can hold space in in a home, hospice or hospital. I hold the technical ability to assist the LEM of the dying person to depart the physical body, helping the soul to cross over. I hold a safe, sacred, compassionate and heart-centred space for the dying person and their family and friends.
The benefits of an Irish Celtic Shamanic Healing:
When you heal energetically the benefits can be felt physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
A renewed sense of Freedom is felt from the clearance of heavy, dense energies from your LEM (aura) that have been causing you pain, hurt, fear, anger or illness, brings huge release and relief of symptoms. Traumas and old limiting ways, beliefs and patterns bring healing to your personal wounds and ancestral lineage, that brings about freedom from the energies that you were holding which brings a sense of lightness through the release of these lower energies. Some of which you may not have been aware of and been trying to heal for some time.
The path of the heart is the path of the Shaman – Heart Centred – and helps you to live from this place, with compassion and gratitude, and a renewed practice of self-love.
A restoration of Balance and harmony is felt through the healing of your chakras and Luminous Energy Field (LEM) and this brings a renewed sense of peace and calm. A Shamans mission is deeply rooted in maintaining harmony in the community for all beings and their relationship with spirit, the animals, nature and the environment around them.
A sense of Empowerment. A personal choice to heal and the freedom of the energies released, healed and restored brings an understanding of your wounds, and the causes of your pain allows you to take your power back through personal healing work and integration of the enlightened energies.
The healing is a Transformation of integration with your souls path to be brought into alignment with your soul desires and intentions. Your spiritual path and life finds a new sense of support, clarity and focus, through the enlightenment that many of the healings can bring.
A deeper Awareness of the integration of the healing brings clarity and vision as you are able to dream yourself into being and live the life of destiny from your conscious choice, one that you can create through your manifestations
This is a great way to experience an energy healing if you have not had one before and are called to it. When energy healing is new to you, often the calling is your soul and higher self bringing you to where you need to be. Trusting that call is truly intuitive and allows your energy to receive higher vibrations in a healing is felt after your 1st healing, often immediately and in the days, weeks and months that follow also.
Prices and times vary depending on treatment and start at £100 per session, it is recommended to consider having 4-6 sessions over a 6month period (this is all unique to you and discussed as we go along) £50 deposit now taken on all bookings
Times vary on average 90-120mins for 1:1 sessions (some exceptions and time to be allowed)
There are no specific amount of healings anyone needs however 4-6 healings are recommended over 6months weaving the healing therapies of Imbas, Extraction, Soul Retrieval and Shamanic Counselling. More healings may be needed in time.
The other healings are different (for example Psychopomp). And this can be discussed so that you are guided to what will serve your healing journey for your highest good.
Ciara is available by Phone, Zoom or Facetime. All are equally a great way to connect. You can contact by phone at +44 73991 83954 or email to ciara@ciaramchugh.com to schedule your session. Once appointment is made please make payment through Revolut @ciaramchealer in order to hold appointment.
Some questions and answers to help your queries:
Irish Celtic Shamanism is a wonderful fusion of native traditions, indigenous practices and anthropological research, where one is also initiated into non-native traditions and ancient traditions. It is a returning to the ancient ways and practices of our Irish ancestors, those who have walked before us to bring wisdom and healing to us today. It’s a remembering and conscious path that awakens our heart and soul to the energies on our island of Ireland and our soul. It’s a spiritual life that welcomes freedom of personal choice and life experience. Shamanism and Shaman practices and beliefs may vary in different cultures but at the core of is the connection to the cosmology of the universe and its elements and meanings.
In the Irish Shamanic tradition, there is no difference between the ‘heart’ and the ‘soul’, a vision that a sacred, soulful life is realised through compassion and love.
Slí An Chroí
This holistic model of Irish Celtic Shamanism is thoroughly rooted in the spiritual energy of the land of Ireland. Our lineage is ancient and forward looking. There is a deep honouring of the oral shamanic lineage of this land, the archetypes, mythology and sacred sites that hold our tradition.
Irish Shamanism incorporates some of the oldest spiritual and ancient healing practices of our time that are common practices all over the world. Our ancestors and indigenous people from all over the world practiced ancient forms of shamanic medicine through deep connection with the natural world. They had an understanding of nature and its interconnectedness with all of life to live in harmony and balance. This tradition continues through my practice of Irish Celtic Shamanic Healing. Energy work is at the core of Shamanism. Shamanism is a healing therapy and a way of life to be in deeper relationship with the world.
A Shaman is regarded as a person of power who serves to heal every type of illness and imbalance. A Shaman is a medicine person – a healer, priest / priestess, caretaker of the earth, wisdom keeper and counsellor who has a mystical connection to life and nature, and who works with nature to bring about a heightened consciousness.
The Shaman connects with spirits in the invisible world and collaborates to bring healing to the imbalances, illnesses and anything that is effecting someone in the physical world. The Shaman is able to journey and go into altered states to bring a greater awareness to what is actually going on with someone and bring healing to their wounds and energetically heal them which then effects how someone feels emotionally, mentally and physically. Healing happens when the root of the issue or problem is energetically healed and a shaman is able to change the energy to bring healing, balance, freedom, and enlightenment. A Shaman works with the subtler energetic realms and the physical world, dancing between the two to bring about healing to root out the problem and can determine whether an energy is malevolent or benevolent. Shamans are in deep relationship with Spirit, the directions, elements and the Divine to work in harmony to restore a persons well-being.
The Shamanic path is an unfolding one of wisdom, and an inward journey with the soul that brings healing and a new awareness and consciousness. Shamans do not have any doctrines or faith texts, it is not religious, they draw on universal wisdom and learning through their direct healing experience. A Shaman works closely with their tribe and ancient ways and practices of their own lineage.
The Shaman today moves with the modern world and its demands, moving with the times and ever-changing world that is both seen and unseen. The ancient practices, ceremony and healings remain sacred and as taught by the shamans lineage, retaining the crucial elements of the ancient practices and ways. Indeed many modern days illnesses, stresses and events are healed with the help of a Shaman and the remembering of this most ancient practice is so powerful and needed today. Shamans are all over our land of Ireland and the world and with many people spiritually awakening the interest is strong and those practicing are bringing tremendously powerful healing to many.
I am a fully certified Irish Celtic Shamanic Medicine Therapist through Slí An Chroí, Dublin, Ireland. I have a daily practice and am learning more and working with other Shamans regularly and clients who attend my healing clinic for healings.
I studied Shamanic Counsellng with Martin Duffy in Dunderry Park Shamanism Ireland