Stress and fear of leaving lead to my anxiety
I had always thought that a little stress to get my adrenalin going was ok.
That's what they say is good for us to be productive - right?
Feeling overwhelmed was like drowning in my on thoughts
Stress helped me move faster in the fast paced life and work environment I was living.
But then I got anxiety. Me! I couldn't believe it. My body had enough physically, mentally and emotionally. And as for spiritually there was nothing. I had forgotten to look after myself and this was the result.
The continuous stress I was living lead to anxiety and that was not ok with me!
That was a huge turning point for me. I had an awakening that was about to change my life for the better and forever.
It was not ok for me to feel totally overwhelmed.
I was also experiencing panic attacks for the first time in my life and dizziness whilst sitting down.
When I expressed how I was feeling it felt good. Like I was being honest and finally asking for support but I received criticism back and that was when I knew then that I was truly the author of my own life, because I was suffering and allowing myself to stay in the suffering.
In many ways I used to hold myself responsible for prolonging the agony I was going through because underneath it all, I knew that removing myself from the situation would help but I was too proud and 'stressed' and walking away seemed like the worst possible thing I could do.
Me puffed up and stressed
This is a photo of me when I feel that my body was yelling at me 'enough is enough' I was puffy eyed, swollen and barely able to keep my eyes open.
We sometimes have to learn the hard way and I certainly did.
I know some people will think there is anything wrong with me in my photo. However, I know and that is ok because it is a reminder of a place and time that I will not allow happen again.
That is why I need to share with you my story in the hope that you can learn from it or certainly take some guidance.
I will be sharing more with you. This is like the door opening for me, the start of a journey of how we have the power to take back our own lives and heal.