Reiki helps to keep the pain in my knees under control

Healing myself with Reiki brought other healing side effects that were not my focus at the time, but all the same was massively effecting me physically. And in fact, it had done all my life. Reiki now helps to keep the pain in my knees under control. I started to suffer from pain in my knees from a young child. Diagnosed with ‘growing pains’, by my GP  who could empathise with me because he had them when he was young too (at the time it was unrecognised by the NHS but I see there is now an explanation for it on the NHS website which is definitely progress) . It is one of my earliest childhood memories, feeing like a fool in his clinic (even as a child but not because anyone had said anything) in case he didn’t believe me. I was so happy  to hear it was actually something and it was not just me, but still there was no cure back then. Deep heat was my saviour and it still one of my pain preventions (my knees love heat).

And that is why it loves Reiki so much also. This pain has never fully gone away as an adult. It’s felt different and I’ve been able to deal with it differently but it’s lay dormant. Boot camps and running aggravated it. I can wear low heeled boots but too much walking in them will annoy them, extra weight on me also does not help so gentle exercise and keeping fit really is an option to control the pain and keep them strong. If I keep my self healing up this also helps.

The main difference now is that my knees love, like love, Reiki. The heat and energy help to keep it under control. Can you imagine my delight? 30 odd years later after the plain started I found something I could use daily that was not medicine in any form to help keep it under control. 

My knee operation

I have to mention also that I had an operation on my left knee  to repair cartilage damage. Minor compared to some people but just another layer to the life of my knees. Oh and I have confirmed arthritis by the way. I wonder sometimes though was it always there energetically?! I'm doing my best to keep my right knee as strong as I can because I do not want to have to go through that again. I was unable to kneel down for 18 months. And I am still slightly numb on part of my knee from the incision. However, the operation was so worth it. The dull pain I was experiencing was effecting my legs and general well being and was torture at night.

This took much longer than expected to get over. Not only because of the actual knee operation but a general anesthetic is not something that leaves your system after a few weeks I would say it took me at least 9 months and added to a stressful time in my life. When you go back to work after you're back, for a day or town people will say take it easy but really you don't. I didn't and it really did not do anything for me mentally never mind physically. At the end the work needs to be done. So my advise is be gentle with yourself and if you have to go through something like this if you feel you are not ready, go to the doctor and speak to them. If you need more time off, take it.

Was I born born with it?

I've always had a feeling I was born with this. I was very connected to my Nana who had desperate pain in her knees, but she was obviously stronger than me because she rarely complained. My sister has also had same operation as me and my brother has same complaint.

The first salt lamp I ever bought was in in South Wales near Port Talbot when I was visiting my dear friend Kirstie one weekend and we attended a holistic fair. I had known about salt lamps and at this stage they were not the trendy thing like they are now. However, take it from me if they are from a reliable source put them everywhere they are amazing. The man I bought it off was selling it with a flat top so you could put your foot or feet on the top to aid healing. He told me that the heat would go to the place that needed the healing the most, so obviously I thought that would be my knees, however it did not. I was told that meant that I was born with my knees problem and that a salt lamp can help with anything that we have obtained since we were born. So there you go, what I had expected all along was confirmed by the Salt Lamp seller man. It didn't stop me buying it to help other things. I swear by it in the house and have one in almost every room.

Why might we have pain in our knees?

I have looked up possible reasons why knees experience pain and pride is a huge factor and I wonder why from a young age this happened. Support is also a huge thing, knees might go when we need more support or not accepting support. Also to go with the flow and be flexible helps. Genuflecting is also advised but this I find is hard when you can't bend your knee. The idea behind it is keep the flow of energy in our knee chakras, its important to find within ourselves the mindset of servitude and humility—rather than aggression and domination. However if my theory is correct and I have inherited this then this is something that needs to be healed through generations and I am fortunate enough now to have trained in that to help myself and others. A recent bout of pain makes me think I haven't quite hit the spot for me , but I will!

How can Reiki help with pain?

Recently, I’ve been asked a lot about how Reiki helps with pain, any kind of pain. And in my own personal experience I can tell you that it does. I’ve so much to say about it but honestly you can only really know through personal experience. Everyone reacts to energy healing differently but it works and helps to get to the beginning of the problem as well as healing the present and future,My thoughts are with anyone who suffers pain. If you have not experienced any form of energy healing before I highly recommend it to you. No one should have to suffer pain long term or short term. We often reach for conventional methods only to help us but alternative therapies like Reiki can help and compliment your other treatments. It really is worth consideration.

Ciara x 💫


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