Play time and having fun and your imagination, intuition and connection to Spirit

Having play time is something that we all need, not just children, adults need this also because having fun is directly linked to your creativity, imagination, and your intuition. Of-course as adults this is something that we do much less often than children and is often preempted or organised yet that does make having play time less unimportant or unnecessary. Yet there has been times in my life when playtime was not happening and when I talk to many adults now I can be met with a laugh or giggle like I’m making a joke when I mention it. But what I know for sure is that missing play time and fun is directly linked to unhappiness, stagnant or stuck energy and finding it harder to connect with what you need to move forward well. So, pre-organised fun or time to play really is something we all need to plan and consider as important in our lives. And let’s get real, this may not be often for many of us but we need to at least have some within the cycles and seasons of our adult lives. What you think is fun may not be what I think is. Many of us will not find it easy to have fun when we have not been having any and comparison of what you think is fun because of what other people are doing may need be reframed and healed and why I’ve given some possible reasons for that below. This week I purposely planned some fun in with my husband because we have both been very work focused and busy of late and for the rest of the summer it will be the same (I have a weird relationship with the word busy at the moment , if you’ve read this on my socials before you know, if not, I’m sure I’ll share again). We had a mini-break in London and booked in a speed boat tour down the river thames. For me it was all about the speed boat, he loved the tour part too! We do not do things like this often at all but we needed it, and o to the m to the g, did we have the best craic and a reminder of how these more extreme ways to have fun are rare but the best fun. I’d like to add that music is a huge way to connect to fun for me but watching Elvis the new film is one step too far for him and every time I mention it he shouts “noooooooooooooo” 🤣 😂 😆 so we all have our ideas and limits! It’s not easy to find the ways we all love but we have to try and learn and feel what works for each of us. Having fun or being playful looks and feels differently for everyone so why not make a list, try some out and see. It’s like anything doing nothing changes nothing. For me it’s a non-negotiable because I know it connects me to creativity, my imagination, intuition and a destiny I create so therefore I must do what I can when I can, but know that it’s often planned, I know it helps the balance and harmony of my energy, it’s not as often as I’d honestly like and not usually not as extreme as a trip on a speed boat.

Your inner child V connecting with your playful side - in my opinion, your inner child is not the part of you I mean you connect to in play time or when having fun like a child. Your inner child is your subconscious, your shadow, the hidden aspects of you that is calling for healing. However, saying that, your inner child wants love, deep unconditional love to heal and if that may mean it wants to laugh, feel happy, be seen, find joy, be playful and that part may mean finding an inner child within yourself that is missing the fun and that needs fun to heal.

Here is the energy bit … fun and play are connected to every part of you but in particular your sacral plexus, your energy centre found underneath your belly button and connected to your reproductive organs and the seat of your emotions. This is the foundations of your creativity and needs to be open and flowing so that your third eye chakra can imagine, which is directly linked to your intuition and your all seeing eye. So, if you’re working on or trying to develop your minds eye then your sacral plexus needs to be worked on also. This is the link between play time and having fun and your imagination, intuition and connection to Spirit. You can only go as high as you go low so your second chakra’s wellness is as important for your sixth chakra wellness (your sixth sense).

Reasons you may find it harder to do (some not all):

  • as a child having fun was not encouraged or/and you did not witness it with your parents

  • you’re comparing yourself to others, usually this is a life that is portrayed on socials to seem perfect but the reality is not shared

  • you’ve had a shock or experienced traumas and your energy is stuck, stagnant or blocked

  • you perceive fun or play time as childish rather than creative or imaginative and connected to innate joy

  • you’ve simply forgotten how to or don’t know how to so need to just try

  • your stressful life seems more important and the feeling of being overwhelmed is making you think having time to play is not important or reachable

  • blocks, like money, are stopping you from rolling freely down a hill or playing football or splashing puddles in the rain or reading a funny book from the library or laughing at a comedy, there’s many things we can do for no charge

  • you’re not making any time to

  • having fun has been associated with an unhealthy reliance on alcohol or drugs but maybe a few cocktails and giggles with friends is exactly what is needed, no need for guilt required

  • you feel unworthy or weird about letting yourself feel playful

Soul-work enquiry:

  1. What do you feel called to do for fun or having play time?

  2. Why are you not having fun?

  3. How does having fun or playing make you feel?

Action: What one thing can you do to have fun and play some more over the next few weeks working with the energy of summer?

As per all my blogs all above is based on my experiences and wisdom. There is always more to discuss and why I continue to write, learn and heal.

With gratitude



My healing with Mary Magdalene & the Divine feminine


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