How I became a Healer & Life Coach

Ciara McHugh - Reiki Master

My name is Ciara McHugh and I am a qualified Life Coach and Reiki healer with years of experience working in the fast lane of the fashion industry .I used to say "work hard play hard" and had lots of fun times and incredible learning experiences doing so. These were mostly good and of-course there were many challenges along the way that ultimately led me to the life I have now with lots of purpose and meaningful values. And for that I am grateful.

We all have to find ways to cope, manage ourselves and keep up with the busy schedules we keep finding ourselves in.Many of us are working hard to please others. We often leave our own self-care last or pay no attention to it at all.

My hope is that with a little help, support and positivity from me and some dedication and work from you. You can take back control of your own life and live a more balanced life feeling more calm, happy and relaxed. Doing what you really want to do. I think that would be something to feel very grateful for, don't you?!

I have a huge interest in positive psychology and use powerful gratitude methods to help improve my life continuously.That is how my journey began about 4 years ago.I was happy, happier than ever in fact but I could feel a shift in how I was feeling and perceiving things in my life.

I didn't have a hobby. Other than dipping in and out of the gym and a love for walking I wanted to be involved in a community.I knew that dwelling on what I didn't have was not going to help me so instead I decided to be grateful for what I did have instead. And WOW did that bring about massive changes in my life.

Nothing changes until we decide to make them and then act upon them. And that's what I did.At first it was a slow start I had to go searching for what it was that I was looking for because I didn't know but inside my intuition was telling me there was something else. The universe knew what it was. I just had to wait until I was ready and had done the prep work.

The most important part is - Be grateful for yourself first and everything else you need to be grateful for will be a lot clearer.

The Daily Practice and Intention of Gratitude and writing a gratitude journal helped me with that and continues to do The so.

The fun had started! And I was developing a new and better mindset for myself.

That then lead me to reading positive quotes, that lead me to start saying and writing my own positive affirmations and then that lead me to manifesting. And starting up my Instagram page Ciara McHugh on Instagram and then my Facebook page Positivity with Ciara and this is how I feel I am giving back to the universe and sharing my experiences to help others.

I first came across Reiki through a good friend of mine Kirstie. We went on holidays to Thailand together and whilst in Bangkok, she was attuned into level 2 and I went and explored the sites in the glorious warm, soothing rain.

I remember one night standing at the end of my bed imagining that someone was sitting there and I was using my hands to heal them.I believe this was when I knew I was meant to use my hands and heal.I had always known I had an ability to be a healer. I just never let the capability happen.

Many believe that Reiki choses you. It definitely chose me.

I had known about it for years. I had received some treatments and had a close friend who practiced it. But I never had an interest in using it to heal or practice myself.

That was up until a few years ago. Out of nowhere really I began to think that I should be using more alternatives therapies or healing techniques. It took about another year and a half before I actually started to take action and book a course to learn how to use it for my own self-healing.

The energy was calling me at a time in my life when I really needed it and a healer that I was drawn to, played a huge part in healing me and then and there I feel that my own personal journey as a healer began.

In April 2017 I became a Reiki Master under the teaching of Patricia Loughlin and a Qualified Executive and Life Coach with the Positive Success Group under the expert and Master Coach of Maureen Hewitt. Part of my self-discovery journey was realising that I am a healer and proud to be and that I am also someone who truly wants the best for others so that they are in control of their own lives - positively!

“Coaching in its truest sense is giving the responsibility to the learner to help them come up with their own answers.” – Vince Lombardi

And why I have decided to call my site and business by my name:

Along the way I also managed to get the nicknames of 'McHug' and 'Hugfrommchug' from my work colleagues at the time, who thankfully admired and appreciated the positivity that I was living and loved to spread amongst them. For a long time my Instagram page was Hugfrommchug but when I decided to put myself out there, I knew there was only one name I could go by and that was my name Ciara McHugh. Most people have called me it all their lives. Some people tell me it rhymes, that's why they say all of it. When I was younger it was necessary because one of my neighbours of a similar age was called Ciara. Somehow wherever I go, people always seem to call me by my full name without me telling them that's what happens! And I love it!

So now I am sharing all that I can and hope you enjoy it.

Thanks for reading.I look forward to working together.

Love & light

Ciara x 


My Positive Neuroplasticity Training with Dr. Rick Hanson


Grateful Friday