Grief, death, living and Psychopomp healing

Grief is the most painful price we pay for love.

This is only part of my grief story.

The imminent death of my Daddy was the most shocking news I’ve ever received; the death THE most saddest moment of my life and period thereafter, the deepest sadness I have ever felt. I know I am not the only person to have felt that way.

Whilst I felt I accepted his death, the mourning was intense and it hurt more than I ever imagined it could. The grief is the healing but sometimes help is needed and that is ok. I personally needed and experienced Angelic Healings and a Psychopomp healing to help me. And they did.

6 weeks after Daddy died I began my Shamanic training. My sharing is in honour of his anniversary. It has taken me this long to begin sharing my grief. It will be brief and I’m ok with that and ok with what I share but I still want some privacy and absolute sureness about the sharing I do. It is ok not to share all your story. For years I had looked into this training, from the point I decided to attend healing therapy workshops that taught practices to heal. But there was always something that made me choose not yet, like my soul was telling me it’s not time yet. Having been through my dark night of the soul, the timing was right for I had and was experiencing ego deaths, initiations and being guided to find what was truly aligned with my values and soul. Shamanism was part of this. And then Daddy died and I had to consider was it the right time? And whilst the emptiness and shock was raw, I had a strong inner knowing and intuitive guidance to do it! On my Medicine Spiral I understood why!

It is a Shamans belief that when we die we transcend back to Source. This is usually a graceful transition into a transcendent reality. But there are often situations where this transition needs some assistance in crossing over. The reason is that the soul may have experienced a shock, traumatic death or maybe a calling to stay in the middle world, which is our earth school where we live in our physical body. When there is a stuck soul it can also impact the quality of life for the living connected to the soul. Many indigenous cultures do not have the kinds of emotional illness or dis-ease we experience in the West as psychopomp work is regularly done when people die.

Shamans heal both the living and the dead. They learn to assist a loved one on the journey beyond death. In the same way that midwives help to birth new life, Shamans work to help souls return back to the world of Spirit.

Here is the energy healing … Psychopomp is a Shamanic healing to bring healing to the living and those who are deceased or dying. A Pyschopomp is a guide for souls. A healing helps to guide souls that are deceased and works to help release the spirit of someone who has died from the physical realm to the non-physical, invisible world. This brings about freedom and completion for the soul/spirit. This is deeply sacred work that allows the Spirit or soul who may be perceived as having difficulty to pass over, to return to the Light and bring a sense of peace. This healing can happen at any time after a soul has passed over, even many years later. It may be that they need some help or guidance in their journey to the afterlife either because of they or their loved ones felt about their death. Through this healing, there are accompanying feelings of peace and release for the soul / family or friend who has perhaps been feeling the sensitivity, trauma, anguish, fear, worry, disbelief or hesitation since the deceased’s death, addressing concern, and answering questions.

Before I received my training to become a psychopomp therapist it became apparent I needed psychopomp healing to let go and fully accept Daddy’s death. When you train to become a therapist you do multiple case studies to train and ensure you are ready but in the case of a psychopomp (including Shamanic Death Rites) this can and will only happen with death, these will present themselves to you and you will know how to assist with Shamanic training. I had no idea that I may need a psychopomp healing and I did and I know it was needed, to live in the way I needed to and to allow to fully die what needed to. But much like understanding death in the respect that when one of the closest people you could ever loved dies belonging to you, you really get that grief when it happens to someone else, respecting we all go through our own journey and feel uniquely. I am able to understand the peace a psychopomp healing brings when I help others, respecting everyone’s journey is their own and unique.


Social Media time out … (detox)


My healing with Mary Magdalene & the Divine feminine