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Returning to & Remembering your Wholeness Healing Workshop

‘What it really means to heal’

When: Saturday 15th July 2023 10:00am – 3:00pm

Where: Ciara’s Healing Space in nature

Enrolment open – space confirmed once payment received

This empowering day of healing, will be a wonderful gathering and deeply nurturing, replenishing healing workshop to bring healing to your energy and invite in the returning and remembering of your wholeness – your light and shadow. Healing is the integration of your light and shadow. Shadow integration is a process of bringing the hidden parts of the self into your consciousness. When you bring your shadow to the surface, heal, and integrate those lessons into your life, you can evolve exponentially. This is healing. This can then bring about transformation and help with moving forward with how you want to fell.

This will help you to connect in intuitively with your souls guidance, and awaken your ability to follow and be guided by it. This is a powerful experiential day that will awaken your own innate healing ability. You will also experience healing throughout the day as you are invited to bravely step into space and self-heal with my guidance. This is a beautiful heart-centred day, embedded in the energy of your soul, your wholeness which is your light and shadow.

This healing workshop is for you if you are curious and guided to work with:

  • Spiritual creativity and communication

  • Non judgement

  • develop and enhance your inner voice, inner knowing and intuition

  • Sacred space

  • awake and develop the Healer within you

  • Angels, Ascended Masters, Goddesses and spirit guides and if you are curious to know more about them and how to work with them

  • your innate wisdom

  • enhancing your spiritual journey, understanding what it means to you and receive guidance for your next steps in your path

  • you are on a healing journey and want practices and rituals to help you

  • you want to bring more harmony, peace and calm into your life

Practices, techniques, tools you will learn and take home:

  • Guided visualisation meditations and healing

  • Shamanic journeying – inner soul journey

  • Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine healing – sacred and wounded

  • Cord Cutting techniques to release negative energy and connections with Angelic support and why this is so important

  • Archangel Metatron light

  • light and shadow aspects

  • Heart-centred practices to bring you back to your Core Desired Feelings and Values

  • Oracle Card Readings and Guidance

  • Learn how to deepen your ability to ask for guidance and how to communicate with your healing team and guides

  • Grounding practice with Mother Earth and Archangels Uriel and Sandalphon

This day is open to anyone with no experience or anyone or a spiritual journey of learning.

The benefits of shadow work:

  • Tapping into your intuition

  • Freeing yourself from the unconscious shadow

  • Empowering yourself and accepting your strengths

  • Taking a step toward self-actualization – your own development and personal growth.


7 spaces remaining only, booking form and deposit needed to secure space.

Please read below testimonials from past healing workshops:

  • I also liked that you spoke for a while before commencing the workshop as it give us time to settle in and get to know you.  I loved how non-formal the day was. I felt like I was among friends… The meditations were great. I think what I enjoyed most is how different they felt from the other online sessions I have done in the past. I have been with you in a few different capacities and each time it feels different, which I appreciate … I would love to explore more… thank you so much for Saturday. I am so grateful for what I received as a result. I feel very blessed.”

    ~ Aislin ~

  • I also liked taking the time to ask myself questions beforehand as as a way of getting in the mindset. The practise really made me feel acceptance for a few things that have been out of my control. I’ve had so much energy over the past few days, I truly feel like it’s because I’m no longer fighting what’s out of my hands. Overall, I felt very positive and would love to do it again. I am loving building a routine around the moon, hearing about its effect on us and seeing how it links into my life. My first zoom ceremony was great. Was expecting it to feel a little less personal … because it was through a screen but it really wasn’t. Loved being able to light my candles and wear my pyjamas!”

    ~ Erin ~

  • Also the visual of the altar and setting of the healing space. I loved the meditation laying on the floor and receiving a healing. I would love to journey more and participate more frequently in meditations, journal more and attend healings. I describe I return into space as a feeling of connection and knowing, I love it! The fire ceremony was class. Loved your emphasis on making sure whatever we do, we practice it with sacred intention. And tea and buns were lovely”.

    ~ Amanda ~

  • It was honestly like meeting an old friend. It was an excellent venue for a workshop like this. I found the day very helpful even though I wasn’t sure what exactly I needed help with. I have always felt drawn to spiritual books, healing and connection and more recently have found great comfort in connecting with my inner being..I loved the initial individual healing (standing), setting our intentions and receiving our roses. Just beautiful! We had only just sat down and, as you were chatting away and we had our eyes closed, tears started to roll down my cheeks, for why I don’t know.. Possibly Joy at giving myself permission to take a day to myself, blessed to have come across your workshop, sadness, relief.. I can’t describe it. The structure of the day was great and I couldn’t believe it when it was time to go. I wasn’t too familiar with the various angels we were introduced to, but I found the meditations/visualisations fascinating and the card reading was really interesting. Lunch was delicious! That evening, when I went to visit my parents, it really felt like something had shifted for me and I had an increased sense of knowing/confidence/peace. Thank you for creating such an uplifting, nourishing day. I’ll be keeping my eye out for the next one.”

    ~ Amanda ~

  • The group really interacted well and I felt I got great healing and knowledge from the workshop. That’s my second workshop with you and they were both superb”

    ~ Brenda ~

  • The room (and Ciara!) felt so welcoming, I soon relaxed & allowed the day to be about ME… Ciara was very reassuring throughout the day to do whatever felt comfortable. It was a positive, healing day surrounded by like minded supportive women! Looking forward to the next one…”

    ~ AnnMarie ~

  • Ciara is such an amazing lady with a beautiful presence about her and instantly makes you feel at ease. I experienced so much inner peace and calmness of body and mind in that one day with her and felt so inspired and rejuvenated for days afterwards. Looking forward to seeing you again Ciara in the near future ”

    ~ Sinead ~


Investment: is £55 for this workshop and material.

  • Full payment in advance to secure place, bookings are non-refundable.

  • Enrolment open

When: Saturday 15th July 2023

Time: Saturday 10am - 3pm



12-1pm Lunch – please bring your own lunch and this time is for some time in nature to ground outside



19 August

Angels, Ascended Masters, Goddesses, Guides & Workshop ~ Healing Workshop