"How many healing sessions do I need?"
There is no definitive answer, each persons healing journey is individual. And to know why and answer the above please read more. This may help you understand some more and what you need. I am a Healer. I self-heal regularly and I attend healing sessions.
I often take clients who want to come for a session and see what it is like and how they will feel after. Most people express how they loved the healing, some fall asleep and just love the rest, others feel the relief throughout, and leave much happier, their energy feeling brighter and lighter instantly when the healing is over. And most make their next appointment at the end of their 1st session, if they have not booked a programme.
I am asked how many sessions they may need to help them and I can intuitively give more guidance after the first session. It is always at the free will of all of my clients to decide their path of their healing. I guide how many I feel they need, and/or a timeline and I give guidance as to when the next healing would be most beneficial to them.
Sometimes a healing is needed to resolve a particular current issue and only one session is needed to help you move forward. However there are times when deeper healing is needed, and more than one session is needed and often 3-4 sessions are the best. My guidance is if a Healer guides you to a healing trust in your inner voice. Sometimes you may feel a lot better after a session and think another is unnecessary, but if you are guided to and if deep down you know it is for your highest good, then this may be a higher sign that you are flowing in your path pf healing and to keep going. Even though the path may feel up and down. Its because that is the path of natural, it is not linear, its more like the top of a jagged mountain top, though awareness and devotion will help you to reach the top.
What I encourage in my clients is to appreciate the steps forward they have made.
In some cases, I know people feel it must not be working. (And what I mean is the healings combined with everything else they are doing.)
Feeling stuck can be a huge part of the healing process. when this happens you can wonder if continuing with their healing journey is right for them. It’s at this point, that you are nearer to how you want to feel that it is your ego trying to pull you back. Sometimes the old, more familiar ways seem safer, even though they don't feel good, it's what we know so staying there seems easier. This is one of the most crucial times to continue with your healing path, if you have ever felt like this, or are feeling like it now, that it is the path of healing and is very normal. If I am asked, I let my clients know that, but sometimes people can be afraid to say something/admit to how they are really feeling, part of the reason why I am honest about it. And it is another reason why we are not meant to do this alone. Support of like-hearted people, mentors, spiritual helpers, guides, Angels and higher consciousness is so needed on the path of healing. More and more of it is needed.
It is the same if you have planned for example 4 sessions and you only attend 3 because you feel amazing after them. Yes, that can happen, you can feel so brilliant, up, like you've healed what you wanted to after only 3, but often what can bring you to a whole other level is attending the 4th. It is attending that final session that can be so important to truly help you reach the clearance of what needed to be cleared and deeper on your healing journey.
As your healing journey continues, releasing negatively and what is no longer serving you, old traumas, wounds, sub conscious limiting beliefs may be revealed to you and brought into the light (it most definitely has to me).
This can often be the case if we have let something happen to you over and over again, like a pattern, way of being hurt, abused, manipulated, not accepted etc, so whilst the most recent issue is at your forefront, older past hurts, pains and stresses are revealed to you because healing them is what will truly heal you and the core wound. Energy healing is about getting to the wound. A Healer, wants to get to the energy of how and why this is happening to you, the beginning of what started to hurt you/cause you dis-ease etc so that is can be transmuted and help you move on well in the way your soul yearns for. So sometime more than one healing is needed to do that.
If you truly want to go deep and heal yourself you keep going.
It may not be easy, but it will be transformative. I have witnessed in myself, peers and my clients, we cannot truly move on to the next steps because we have unfinished (healing) work to do. Yes, it can feel icky, hard, but healing can feel amazing and reveals something else to you, that it is part of your spiritual journey and helping you to become truly aligned to who you really are. Along the way it can be beautifully enlightening and freeing to do so. Because when you figure out why you feel a certain way and bring healing to it, the love it needed not hate, you feel so empowered, you feel free. It only takes you to a better place, you only feel better. A space I’d rather be in personally, rather than stuck or letting my past hold me back.
Side note on becoming a Healer or when giving Healings:
This is also why it is so important to go for healings if you are a Healer or training to become one. It astonishes me to hear that this is not the case sometimes, we all need it, especially if we are working with other people's energy even if we are self-healing regularly. It keeps our energy clear and again we are not meant to do this alone.The more you work and are aware of your energy bodies and how you are feeling the more you can guide yourself as and when you need a healing, regardless of your own self-healing. I often know myself, but take the guidance of my Healers, as and when I need to go for my next one. Depending on what is coming up it could be 2weeks, or 3 months. However, to keep my energy well as a Healer I go regularly also.
My personal feelings:
The road to enlightenment is a journey of healing. Healing is the path to true transformation in this lifetime. If we do not face our karma and our wounding, there is no way of evolving our souls and reaching a higher state of consciousness. And know that if you devote yourself to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing, you help the world to heal as well, including your family and ancestral line. It is tremendous what a path of healing can do.

Any questions please do ask Ciara or to book a healing